The Little Village High school, located in the heart of Chicago's largest Mexican-American neighborhood, represents the pinnacle of Chicago Public Schools' small schools program, combining four separate curricula and administrations in one large complex, and sharing food service, auditorium, olympic pool and gymnasium.
Developer: Public Building Commission of Chicago
Client Agency: Chicago Public Schools
Associate Architect: GREC Architects
Architect-of-Record: Gonzales Hasbrouck
Structural Engineer: Rubinos + Mesia Engineers
MEP/FP Engineer: Primera Engineering
Civil Engineer: Terra Engineering
General Contractor: McHugh Riteway Joint Venture
Zoning Attorney: Neal & Leroy
The Little Village High school, located in the heart of Chicago's largest Mexican-American neighborhood, represents the pinnacle of Chicago Public Schools' small schools program, combining four separate curricula and administrations in one large complex, and sharing food service, auditorium, olympic pool and gymnasium.